lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008

Si no rompes la ley, la ley te rompe a ti (más recomendaciones)

Cuando aún seguimos extasiadas con el descubrimiento de Multitud y la cantidad de material potente que alberga, gracias al amigo Diego conocemos amputacioneS (literatura, cine, blogging...) y la Biblioteca Agitprov (libros libres descargables). Den una vuelta y hagan funcionar a sus neuronas atiborradas de polvorones, es todo un placer.

De amputacioneS:

"The Law was no good. The Law was old people, like his mother and father and his teacher, telling him what to do, what to eat, when to eat it. The Law put you to bed, made you get up. The Law washed your face, poked a washcloth into your ears, sent you to school and to church. The Law offended him, gave him a bellyache, insulted him. And in the end, the Law even destroyed the outlaw."

John Fante, The Big Hunger

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